Shrewsbury Park Residents' Association

Presentation to Greenwich Council's Highway Committee

10th January 2012

Being discussed this evening is the Yellow lining proposal, however the Association wishes to register in this forum its objection to the work carried out to re-profile the junctions of Plum Lane and Brinklow Crescent without consultation in 2011.  This issue was discussed the Association’s AGM in June 2011 attended by around 50 residents, none of whom supported the scheme and we wish the junctions to be restored please. 

With regard to the issue being debated this evening, the Association strongly objects to the proposal to introduce waiting restrictions, waiting restriction signage and yellow-lining. 

The waiting restrictions within this scheme are simply not justifiable.  They do not resolve any parking problems or safety hazards unique to this stretch of Plum Lane, but do create new problems locally and add to Council costs. 

Council justification for, and negative effect of scheme







Street scene character and Conservation Area designation





Costs to the Council





In summary, the Association considers that the scheme is not justifiable and the Council has not made a convincing case for it, and in any event, the street signage does not appear to have the necessary Conservation Area consents. 

Equally, the proposal does not have the support of any resident consulted. 

The Association requests of Members in the strongest terms that this proposal is not agreed tonight and that the scheme be dropped altogether or modified to ‘advisory’ white lines only or at the very least remove the yellow lining from the Mereworth Drive side of Plum Lane. 

Thank you for hearing our objections and the rationale for them.

 Are they any questions? 

Robert Million

Chair, Shrewsbury Park Residents’ Association